
Studies in Structure and Geotechnics

Structure and Geotechnical Engineering Office

Creation of the BET Gravity website by Rocher Blanc Monaco
The project to extend Monaco into the sea involves creating an eco neighborhood
Area of expertise

Design and execution of geotechnical structures and works.

Gravity is a Structural and Geotechnical Engineering firm where the client is at the center of its employees' concerns, an engineering firm where the structure serves the architectural beauty, safety, and functionality.

Mobile mockup
Bet Gravity's responsive website by Rocher Blanc
Construction work to extend the sea in Monaco by Bet Gravity.

BET Gravity reached out to our company to create a showcase website featuring the various areas of expertise and the portfolio of a Structural and Geotechnical Engineering firm in Monaco. The challenge was to create a homepage interface that would separate the French part from the Monégasque part.

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